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  • Posts

    • Can put me down for an alternative in case someone drops out or the format increases
    • Mike has also generously donated 1 whole year of VIP to the tournament, which will be split up as 9 months to the winner and 3 months to the second place fighter.
    • We are filled up right now, but we already have 2 willing alternates and there are more people who may want to join, so if we can get enough people the format will update. Instead of 2 teams of 8, we will have teams of 12, so 24 total. The first round would happen as normal, but then before matchups are picked for round 2, each captain will select 2 fighters to give a bye to, and they will automatically advance to the next round. After that the matchups will be drafted and round 2 will happen. Then, rounds 3-5 will continue as normal, and this will effectively just add 1 round to the tournament.  Of course, we may not get to 24, in which case we will keep this format.
    • Hello I’m looking for a org to sponsor their events my company is Brooklyn Threads (6404) currently going under a rebrand but please PM me if ur interested my manager ID is 145839
    • Post event - FREAKSHOW 1 The 1st show is in the books with a 142.99 Rating!  Main Event Jimmie Vinge (381531) continued his win streak with a dominating performance over Abraham Andersson (387525) with a KO. Co-Main Event Cathal Tiernan (385121) rebounded with a sound finish by TKO over "The Machine" Kert Breischer (396343).   Tournament News 135 LBS Division Calvin Green and Reilly Booth were victorious with a TKO and Submission Stoppages and will achieve 3 and 2 PTS respectfully. Sergej Kavaliauskas and Braylon Mason (407194) were both disqualified and removed due to manager inactivity. Grave Robber and Markus King suffered defeats as they move forward.   170 LBS Division Shilin Li won by TKO and achieved 3 PTS. Randall "Vengeful Spirit" Clark (407281) win by Decision will not count as he was disqualified and removed due to manager inactivity. Pele Rebeiro and Laurens Van Der Bos suffered defeats as they move forward.   205 LBS Division Mr. Sandman, Jerry Riggs, and Aiguo Le were all victorious and all achieved 3 PTS. Raiden Schroeder, Darthos Brigand, and Aleksandar Dobrosavljevic Junior suffered defeats as they move forward. So far all 170 LBS Fighters are still active.   Fighters added to Tournament as Replacements 135 LBS Bryan "The Late Comer" Bartlett (409029) Eduardo "Striking K1 King" Silva Gusmao (408676) Conor "Drugs" McGregor (408546) Randy "The Viper" Orton (408544) 155 LBS Jack "Hanma" Big Bombs (408775) 170 LBS Cliff Lee (408780) 265 LBS Bo McGuire (407817)  
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