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Everything posted by RegularJohn

  1. Isn't it better to add alternate fights to the bracket? if someone goes MIA, the alternate winner(s) fills in.
  2. I believe the discussion started to go in circles, I kinda lost track of it. I'll make two points regarding things that were said - please don't take it personally, I'll just emphasize my opinion, not disregarding other people's: 1) Arguing that Knees are already more effective than punches in the clinch is a bizarro world claim IMHO. e.g. My top Knee fighter that I ever had who I consider a Knee monster still lands 2+ Punches for each Kneee in average; disclaimer: maybe the wording is not correct here - if he lands few Knees but is a great Knee fighter, then Knees are very effective? --> the point is that Knees land much less than Punches; 2) The stall technique in the clinch is meaningless in this discussion. it is one of the rarest occurrences in the whole game - perhaps because everybody uses high aggression in the clinch --> but if everybody uses high aggression in the clinch because it is the best strategy, and because of this, clinch breaks are very rare, then clinch breaks are rare, regardless of the reason why. For years nobody in my alliance even knew that clinch breaks existed, after like 4 years playing hardcore I was shocked when I saw a clinch break for the first time. and I saw like 2-3 in ~8 years playing the game!
  3. Yes the wording was probably a mistake on my part. I meant more like "Make punches less effective in relation to Knees and Elbows". As for the problem with the ref stand ups, I believe it would be significantly improved by simply allowing more moves on the ground per minute, in other words, slowing down time on the ground. The problem with the ground game is that it is far too easy to stall because a couple lines of text amount to a minute in the fight engine. While in the stand up you get an endless stream of lines with millions of punches and kicks being thrown.
  4. Probably yes, I love Muay Thai and I love the clinch in Muay Thai. Maybe what I meant was "Make Knees and Elbows more effective in the clinch", i.e. not mess around with Punches but change Knees and Elbows. I still believe the clinch in the game is boring most of the time and doesn't resemble a real fight anyway. Actually if it was to emulate a real MMA fight it should be endless pushing against the cage with little punches and pointless weak knees so that is not exactly what the engine should do. Yes that's true.
  5. Sounds like most criticism here is about the hidden ruining an otherwise good fighter, which was not how I pictured. It should be a hidden that kicks in randomly, not so often, shouldn't be affecting you every single fight. (unless you had ~zero points, but even then it could be controlled to prevent creation of total lazy bums). I didn't mean it to sound like “an addon to learning speed”. it wouldn't kick in that often. But yes it would work against players who have put time into the game (like myself), as a way to give new managers a puncher's chance. There is plenty of unpredictability with abilities but once you tested and trained and your fighter made the cut, he is a little machine who performs exactly the same for a long period, which is not very realistic. That's overdramatic but it makes sense in the end.
  6. In my experience, even among fighters that do have Knees and are good with it, their primary clinch weapon is Punches. While Knees are an exquisite, extraordinary afterthought that is used only as an add-on, at considerable cost. The point about people not training Knees and Elbows due to the skill point cap is one of the reasons why the suggestion was made in the first place. If Punches are the primary weapon from outside and at least as effective as Knees and Elbows in the clinch, then there is no reason to train Knees and Elbows - which leads us to the unified meta blueprint that makes the game more boring than it could be.
  7. Suggestion: It could be called “Professionalism/Work Ethic” or whatever. It would be a hidden skill that prevents or enables fighters from achieving their full skills, eventually makes them have less than optimal gains from a given training session, even eventually makes them have a subpar performance in a fight, etc. Suggestions Description: The game is slow paced and heavily favors old managers who have their own private gyms. If we add a “Work Ethic” hidden skill that adds some unpredictability to training gains and even to in-fight performance, we're starting to even the playing field for new managers. A new player with no VIP might create a new fighter who has good hiddens and with great “Work Ethic”, overcomes less than optimal training, with a little bit of luck overperforms in a given fight, etc. The Hidden skill would tick randomly - on a given day, you get a message saying that “Fighter X showed up to the gym in bad conditions and had a poor training session”, “Fighter Y was on fire in training today!” or a pre fight message saying “Fighter K had a bad training camp and is not 100% today”. Pros: increases realism evens the playing field makes it more likely that new players develop a top fighter Cons: it adds some “unfairness to” the game
  8. I'll take a closer look at the discussion above but perhaps in the same vein, it should be harder - if not impossible - to become Elite across the board. for example if you are Elite++ in Conditioning it should be nearly impossible to become Elite++ in Strength; or if you are Elite in Boxing then your stance, head movement and footwork should make it nearly impossible to become Elite in Muay Thai.
  9. Suggestion: Make Punches less effective in the clinch - in parallel, make the Muay Thai primary enable the effectiveness of Elbows and Knees Suggestions Description: Every clinch exchange in the game looks like Frye vs. Takayama. Fighters are just slugging punches at each other from very close range. It's boring. If Punches are less effective, and Elbows and Knees are relatively more effective, the clinch: 1) will look more realist, 2) will be less boring, 3) will require more variation in sliders settings, and 4) will relate better to the relevant primaries --> if you have an advantage in Boxing + Wrestling (and considering other relevant variables) maybe you should be landing Punches at will but if the other guy has great Muay Thai + Clinchwork then he should be able to land Elbows and Knees, and they should be potentially as effective as Punches. Pros: increased realism increased variation to the game requires more attention to sliders setting, rewards careful managers Cons: perhaps a minor change compared to others that are necessary?
  10. Sakmongkol Sitsongrit http://www.mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15198583059960.png Extremely honoured to become SFL first champion, Sakmongkol had this to say: "ฉันรู้สึกเป็นเกียรติที่ได้รับรางวัลเข็มขัดหิน หวังให้คนในประเทศไทยภาคภูมิใจ เป็นเกียรติที่ได้รับเข็มขัดและเงินทั้งหมด โบนัสการเซ็นสัญญาทั้งหมดสิบเปอร์เซ็นต์ที่โค้ชของฉันมอบให้ฉัน ทั้งหมดสองพัน"
  11. Some ID's are set up in advance just meant to be a noob build with watered out points. whoever is unlucky to create at that exact point will get the shit end. this has happened to me. you message Mike and he fixes it.
  12. Tokyo fight was showing up as coming up in "minus 3H" as well. also looks like my Amsterdam fight that I was expecting to go down early afternoon in my timezone (~5 hours from now) is pulled for ~2 hours from now - this could be just my own miscalculation though, needs to be confirmed.
  13. iirc Mike at some point said he made them less effective than they were before. not that they're ineffective.
  14. nah, I learned last season that the way the Island works is that the first supps to be made are weight loss supps, to accommodate for all the people who create their fighters with incorrect weights.
  15. Waiting for weight loss sups asap.
  16. Me indicaram esse granite chin que está como free agent na ilha - 360874. de repente tenta. Cartago tem que ser destruída.
  17. Por quê? Ele está tentando me fuder 24 horas por dia; eu faço campanha contra ele 24 horas por dia. FORA BOLSONARO
  18. O mais inteligente a fazer é o que o amigo falou acima, Strenght, Conditioning e Flexibility no mínimo pois você pode treiná-los sem depender de nada nem ninguém. Só cuide pra distribuir os outros atributos de maneira uniforme, para evitar que eles apareçam no "tale of the tape" ao invés de outra informação que seria muito mais importante. E FORA BOLSONARO!
  19. E aí! Eu fico disponível para ajudar também. Embora as criações de 18 anos sejam as únicas que tenham futuro no jogo, concordo que criar uns lutadores de 25 anos, no início, é mais prático, divertido e economicamente viável. Sou ainda mais radical, aproveite a temporada da "Ilha"/"The Island" e crie todos os seus lutadores lá! na Ilha todos estão em pé de igualdade, não tem academia privada, bot para sparring e tal... Eu aconselho criar grapplers de 25 anos, eles são muito eficientes contra lutadores de ID similar. Mas dependem muito mais de boa estratégia e habilidade para os sliders, então, cuidado. Eu sempre crio alguma variação de faixa marrom, 7-8 de Wrestling, 110 Clinchwork/Striking Def./Submissions/Def. Grappling na Ilha e eles sempre são bem sucedidos Ah, e claro, FORA BOLSONARO!
  20. No worries mate. When you build up credibility, even when shit happens people know it happened for a legit reason. Hope you open up a new org when you do get back. Good luck in real life, Cheers!
  21. Historians tell that in the early days of the game this would've been possible and it probably happened but I would speculate (with no basis at all) that in the past 5 years this hasn't happened. if it did it would´ve been a real specific situation (e.g. Island fighter/someone exploiting QFC/someone can crushing in epic fashion).
  22. I literally believed "PPV orgs are filthy rich and make insane amounts of money". Will consider all of this next time I negotiate a contract.
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