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Everything posted by andy808

  1. no one wants to read about shartmma anyway
  2. i'll take blakes fighter in this matchup http://mmatycoon.com/scoutfight.php?fida=350070&fidb=351913
  3. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15735237551189.png Props to my opponent, made me look like an amateur boxer. Thankfully it got to the clinch where it was clear that was his first time as also revealed by his manager in another interview earlier this morning. Need to get back to the gym to work on my game again. Who's next?
  4. Nice writeup As for this, tbf you were at a 4k ID disadvantage and still beating my ass in the boxing until it got to the clinch where you said yours was useless
  5. Except he ran away and hasn't done shit for 4 months. Looks like a snoozer of a story
  6. so much for that. he's at it again, even when my fighters have looking for contract unticked hes still sending them
  7. Classic bjorn comeback by saying nothing. Have you accomplished anything in this game other than being a cherry picking carl and still havent cracked the top 10 in 7 years? It's cute watching you downvote all my posts btw, it's just words. Soft like http://mobileimages.lowes.com/product/converted/037000/037000619253.jpg?size=pdhi
  8. You should have your own division called the bitch division. What kind of an ape tries to tell his opponent what to do during a fight, aka 'keep it 100% standing'? It's like your pathetic belgian bitch, excuse me, 'beast', looking for one fight contracts and only striking opponents all over again
  9. andy808

    GONY 4

    Time has already told us what a cherry picking dodger you are
  10. andy808

    GONY 4

    Abysmal landing percentage, didn't do anything on the ground, and he calls it luck when his one landing combo was the only moment of 'luck'. Someone is big mad.
  11. Watch out for his for brother bartz coming in hot
  12. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15541521448149.gif 'Congrats to my opponent, my face looks worse than that ugly mug of his after that beat down. Good luck in the title fight.'
  13. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15735237551189.png 'Good fight to my opponent, but now on to the title next. The new champ has a big head, he'll need to keep his hands up to protect that noggin'
  14. interesting ending to that auction. it was quiet for 4 days after the first bids, and then comes another bid when I thought it was over, and then he declares its over some hours later
  15. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15750734393923.jpg 'Good fight to my opponent, outboxed me when I couldn't get the finish like I hoped. My manager is a bit of a donkey and we needa' get a new game plan going when we have this kind of competition. We'll be back.'
  16. and I told you I appreciated it in PMs, was just clarifying your statement that I bolded. maybe one day i'll send one of my 360 155s your way to bash that twitter hyping, cherry picking, cant even crack the top 10 in 7 years douchemonger
  17. He already said no, several times, and wasted weeks of my time training areas I wasn't planning on training because they are a sitting project. He is a clown, and a pathetic waste of a managers spot in this game. I already told you in PMs he wasnt ready for an org yet, and that was bjorns opportunity to actually try to get a win instead of farming twitter like the sad sack of shit manager he is, but he bitched out. So he is on the camara list for me, I'm not wasting my time with him anymore
  18. http://mmatycoon.com/gallery/0/15750734393923.jpg 'Eh don't worry boss, even though you didnt pick me, I'll still let you come party with me after I knock this fool out in the first'
  19. You mean if Paddys bum ass manager changes his mind? After I accepted it from the beginning on this thread and said I was training, then he said I had to msg him, so I do: Like I said, I was warned by managers to not waste my time with this douchebag, and now I see why
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