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A few stuff im kinda irritated about first off...


The "FREE AGENTS" they should be "FREE AGENTS" and not signed to any org if they get sacked IMO. Or maybe have the Option to stay or leave. thoughts?


2nd the Renegotiate tool does suck ass and killed the Search for fighters that needs contract. I think this should be removed cause its way more interesting seeing top fighters in the search tool. I mean why worry if you have good relation with the owner of the fighter? Its much more interesting to have that risk if youre losing the fighter or your Champ...Again why worry if you have good relation with the owner right? TAKE IT OFF! Lets all fight for the fighters...All I see in the Search tool are INACTIVE Fighters cause after the "Wipeout" the past few days it did hurt everyone...and it blows


3rd is the INACTIVE Clause...some orgs are locking down fighters sending them Fight offers then just to retract it to reset the INACTIVITY CLAUSE...I think thats stupid. its annoying.



Just some stuff I think it needs to look at...please dont flame me LOL!!!

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When a manager hires a new talent, he will off course still have to honor that talent's previous agreements. Anything else would be a breach of contract between the talent and the company he is contracted to.


Fight contracts are between a fighter and a org, no matter who the manager is. The manager just gets a 10% cut, for being the manager. Perfectly balanced and realistic.

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Yes I agree but theres a reason theres a "MANAGER" to manage...to guide the fighters career

no i completely understand that the fighter needs to honor the contract but if youre a FA then you should be a FREE AGENT right? now If youre in the org and the manager is doing that "Send fight offer then Retract to reset the Inactivity Clause" you think thats right? just send him the fight offer and get rid of them...try to talk to them cause it is a community game...

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On the free agents I am kinda mixed on feelings.


If you sign a guy to a good contract and then all of a sudden they up and drop him or cheated then you got screwed if the new manager has the option to leave the org if they do so.


I personally love the renegotion tool makes my life much easier! KEEP IT MIKE


Ya it's kinda shady with the inactivity but at the same time that's part of a contract

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The fighter has a contract with an organization, that contact doesn't go away just because he changes his manager. You seem to have misunderstood the concept of being a free agent.


You are a manager, so from your perspective a fighter is a free agent if he doesn't have a manager. Fight contacts are irrelevant in this. If you were a organization, you could consider a fighter a free-agent if he wasn't signed to another organization, irrelevant of whether he has a manager or not.


Two different kinds of contacts, that have no impact on each other. (Except for the game-imposed limitation that one can't sign a contract to an organization without having a manager).


And really, I don't see the problem with the inactive clause. Just stop ducking the fights and let the fighter live up to his obligations. It's not like it a secret when you shortlist a fighter whether he is contracted to an organization or not. If you don't want a fighter who is all ready contracted to an organization, don't shortlist the ones that are.

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The fighter has a contract with an organization, that contact doesn't go away just because he changes his manager. You seem to have misunderstood the concept of being a free agent.


You are a manager, so from your perspective a fighter is a free agent if he doesn't have a manager. Fight contacts are irrelevant in this. If you were a organization, you could consider a fighter a free-agent if he wasn't signed to another organization, irrelevant of whether he has a manager or not.


Two different kinds of contacts, that have no impact on each other. (Except for the game-imposed limitation that one can't sign a contract to an organization without having a manager).


And really, I don't see the problem with the inactive clause. Just stop ducking the fights and let the fighter live up to his obligations. It's not like it a secret when you shortlist a fighter whether he is contracted to an organization or not. If you don't want a fighter who is all ready contracted to an organization, don't shortlist the ones that are.


Yeah you shouldnt get help to duck fights because it might ruin your flawless records. Plus you signed a contract to fight, not get some money then chillax in a gym for 3 months.


As for the free agent thing, I understand its annoying getting a FA and him already be involved somewhere, but it really only so widescale because of the Multigate thing. Before it was not a regular thing to pick up great fighters on frees. It doesnt really need changing (unless another multigate happens, then maybe).

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Ya it's kinda shady with the inactivity but at the same time that's part of a contract


The inactivity timer is there to protect managers from orgs locking up their fighters without giving them fights, which is being broken by the tactics the OP described... it needs to be fixed, it's an exploit IMO.

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I'm personally of the opinion that it's the managers that are being complete assholes, for not wanting to live up the contract. It is perfectly within an organizations rights to force a fighter to sit out his contract, if he don't want to fight for them. He signed a contract, you can't just turn your back to that. Suck it up, don't be an ass.


I agree on the point that it would be very nice to be able to see more info about what kind of contract the FA's have.

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Managers have rights, too, and the inactivity clause is one of the few protections they enjoy. Offering and then retracting fights violates the spirit of the clause, and a limitation such as the one described by zura would be a good thing.


Ahh, yes. Didn't think about that they could just remove the offer again. Yes, a timer like that is defenantly a good idea.

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Managers have rights, too, and the inactivity clause is one of the few protections they enjoy. Offering and then retracting fights violates the spirit of the clause, and a limitation such as the one described by zura would be a good thing.



The inactivity clause was put into place in case an org owner goes inactive or is not offered a fight in a timely manner.


It's not there so managers can refuse to fight to get out of there contract. It sounds like you want an easy way out of a contract with an org. Why should the org get screwed out of a signing bonus and everything because you want out of the contract you originally signed.


Yes you could make a break contract option but then the fighter should have to pay the bonus in full, and take a major hype hit for breaking his contract and then maybe a time penalty before able to sign with another org.


Otherwise work it out with the owner if you want a release, or if its an inactive org then it works just like advertised.

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I do not know any org. owners that are abusing the system either, i can only think of maybe in a case where a fighter missed weight or something that screwed over the org then a fighter might be put on the back burner for a period. Why we are at it why not give the org the the option to suspend a fighter that missed weight or was a no show for a fight.


So the people above who said that org owners are abusing the system, why not give some examples? Also what lead up to it? And did the manager/fighter do something to set it off?



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It sounds like you want an easy way out of a contract with an org.


That's nonsense. I simply feel that such an exploit, and it is clearly an exploit, should be fixed if it does exist. Like you, I feel that the best option is to work it out with the owner.


Fortunately, I myself haven't been in a position of conflict with an organization.

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Actually i now see where Zura was going with the idea, a time limit of 24-48 hours should be on the fight offer, that way the manager gets the chance to accept the fight or the clause is not affected.


I really cannot see where owners are abusing this thats why i would not mind seeing some examples especially since its being brought up.



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It is all very easy and a realistic solution is at hand for all the problems stated.


The 1 solution for all problems is a buyout clause in contracts. As soon as the amount is payed to the org, you are out of your contract and orgless.


It will solve the problem with inactive orgs, the free agents, and the abuse of the inactivity clause.



Who is with me, ... i want a buyout with org contracts.

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3rd is the INACTIVE Clause...some orgs are locking down fighters sending them Fight offers then just to retract it to reset the INACTIVITY CLAUSE...I think thats stupid. its annoying.



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