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Would You Rather


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I assume I have "required secondary powers" in each case (invisibility only is useful if everything you wear becomes invisible; and flight, one needs a lot of resistances to not be torn apart.  https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/RequiredSecondaryPowers

Assuming that, I pick flight, assuming it means as fast as flight usually is.  Either would be cool, but very quick transportation is more valuable than stealth.

I'd have chosen losing 10 years for 2 great ones, too.

Would you rather:

Be a superstar athlete in the sport of your choice for 3 years, but then get injured and unable to play anymore (but an injury that doesn't affect normal life)... or

Be an average player in that sport, never a standout but have a 12 year career?

Assume you make the same amount of money either way.

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probably an average player in the sport with a long career, because I’d love to play professional sports and I feel like I’d get depressed if I was amazing at something that I could no longer do. Hard one though

Would you rather everytime you had a thought (any thought) you had to say it out loud no matter the circumstances or everytime you have to use the bathroom (no matter the circumstances) as soon as you have the feeling you have to, you do it right where you stand? lmao


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Those would both tend to be social suicide, but there is a way that people who have very little control of their waste system deal with it, which is adult diapers...though it's more that they occasionally can't hold something in to get to a toilet, but still it's easier to explain than the kinds of thoughts we keep to ourselves.

Would you rather be able to read minds at will, or project thoughts into people's minds- make others think what you wanted them to- at will?

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project thoughts into others minds, that way you can receive anything you want in life truly. you could use both powers for the greater good but I think projecting has better benefits.

Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?

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4 hours ago, teyoken said:

project thoughts into others minds, that way you can receive anything you want in life truly. you could use both powers for the greater good but I think projecting has better benefits.

Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?

The future, though since I don't have children and am old enough that not having children yet, and not even wanting to have kids, means I most likely won't, so I'll most likely never have great great grandchildren.  But I'd love to see how everything turned out, and I'd likely have great great nephews and/or great great nieces to meet.  :)  I'd hate visiting the distant past.  I couldn't last there more than a few hours without modern conveniences.

Would you rather have a magical aura that makes literally everyone you meet love you, not romantically unless that would happen anyway but love as in immediately care a whole lot about you, but make people respect you somewhat less than they otherwise would; or one that made literally everyone you meet immediately respect you a while lot, but tend to find you a bit more less likeable than they otherwise would?

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probably the magic aura, I’d rather not be universally liked or love but just know someone’s true intentions or feelings. life would feel overplayed if everybody had virtue for me ya know? but some people would definitely pick the other option.

Would you rather be a time traveler that has the ability to go anywhere in the past and fix things and patch the timeline to make the world whatever you want in the present or Would you rather be able to time travel the future and make the world turn out however you see fit in the future?

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Hmm, very different from the other.  While I wouldn't enjoy my time in the past, if I could alter things to make the present better I'd choose that, because I'd have to learn a lot about the future world to have a good idea what I thought should be different, where I know what I wish were different today.

And speaking of futuristic things, a self-flying car (like self-driving car except like in back to the future it could fly) or a robotic maid who'd cook for you and any family and clean your dwelling?

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This assumes we can breathe and otherwise survive either place, I'm sure...

In space, look down on the whole world.

Win $10 million but have to give it all the way to recognized charities, or $1 million and also have to give it all away but you can choose any recipients (e.g. friends/family), though they wouldn't know who gave them the money?


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Believe everything I'm told, and then be careful to surround myself with only people whose intentions I'm sure are good.

Eat whatever you want and suffer no ill effects in weight, health, or anything else (but just be "normal" even eating whatever junk food you chose), or have to follow an extremely strict diet but if you did you'd be super-healthy and age at half the normal rate?

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probably the super strict diet, the aging thing sounds like such a good aspect that I cannot pass on. but I would love to eat whatever I want and stay normal, I do already for the most part because I have a super fast metabolism but long term that won’t pan out.


Always hit a red light for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?

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Eww (but good question)...but actually it's obvious which is less awful because I'm doing so much over the internet that I used to do in person, started with the lockdown and about half the change from the lockdown era seems permanent, so the red lights would do less damage.

Manage a fighter on MMAT who you believe is the greatest of all time, but no one else thinks he was anything special, everyone else thinks that he wasn't even in the top 100, or manage a fighter you don't think was even in the top 100, but half those who follow these things consider him the greatest of all time and just about all the rest (except you) think he was at least in the top 5?

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I’m assuming that either way the fighter actual is great in some stance, it’s just down to self perception. I’d say the underdog that nobody thinking is top 100. I love when I’m invested in guys and especially when I’m managing an underdog that isn’t seen to have much of a chance against guys. I find it more fun when you win


Would you rather drown to death or burn to death?

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Burning, because I think death comes faster from it.  Also, the reactions to waterboarding, which simulates drowning, suggests that drowning isn't even more unpleasant than burning is.

Would you rather there be an afterlife, if you were 50% likely to have an extremely pleasant one and live in joy eternally, but had a 50% chance to suffer horribly for eternity, or  would you rather death be the complete end of any existence or consciousness?

*Edit: By the way, I'd rather have the fighter everyone else thought was the very best or one of the top few, than one I thought was that great but no one else agreed.  There's no point in having a great fighter if no one else recognizes it to me- it gets to whether one needs recognition to enjoy their achievements, which I definitely do, but not everyone does.  Anyone would rather win with an underdog than lose with a favorite, it's fair to say.

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