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  • Posts

    • A private gym with about 20 fighters can lose up to 40k a week. if you keep it public but limit numbers to 30 fighters, you may be able to break even if u get the gym subsidy. Honestly it's NOT a great one for making money  I don't know about nutrition, im guessing if u can pick one up already developed off the business list for sale, it would be ok. But it's kind of boring imo. nomreason u camt run an org jus because ur mate has one. Just make one that is different to his - get ur own niche, plenty of different stuff u can do if ur creative 
    • What would make u log in more often? MID-WEEK fights ?
    • So I am fairly new to the game but have been very very active and trying to learn everything I can.  I have made a very good in-game friend that has been a godsend in my learning process and the success  I have had with my fighters.  He has a new fight org that is trending in the right direction and I think I want to move passed just being a manager.  I am a bit torn what kind of business would be best to start with to partner with the org.   My first thought was a gym but I read a lot of old posts in the forums that said this is a very bad venture as gyms in general are not profitable, or at least very hard to become profitable.  I then thought maybe nutrition but I am starting to see the same kinds of posts about how hard it is to stay afloat.  I would do clothing but he has just entered into a partnership with a new clothing vendor and I do not want to step on toes and the whole idea is to attach to the org.  So my question is, are the issues that were plaguing new business owners 8 and 10 years ago from the dates of the forums posts still the same issues today?  And between gym and nutrition which would be the best to start with and not go under?  We thought about making the gym private and sending invites to all the org fighters and use it to target specific training with no over crowding sessions with the coaches but the weekly costs i read can be near 40k+ and our org only has maybe 24 or 25 fighters.  That being said maybe we should go the route of nutrition, give sponsorships to all of our fighters and between that and public purchases maybe it would be easier to stay afloat then start gym later?  What would some of the advice be from you long time vets, on the best avenue of approach to establish a new business that is not a fight org and still be profitable enough to not go bankrupt right away in today's game? Thank you
    • Thank you! I was able to get back on my old account! 😁
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