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  1. MMA Tycoon

    1. General Game Discussion

      Talk about fighters, events, clothing brands - anything you like as long as it is interesting or relatively important. If you want to talk about the UFC, do it in the General MMA forum in the section below.

    2. Fight Organizations

      All discussion about fight organizations in MMA Tycoon. If you are building the next UFC, tell us about it in this forum.

    3. Other Companies

      All discussion about MMA gyms, nutrition companies, clothing companies and alliances

    4. Bookmakers & MMA Betting

      Discussion on in game and real life betting. Promote your bookies or discuss appealing odds for upcoming fights.

    5. Noob help!

      If you're new to the game, ask any help questions in here. The more senior members will help you learn the ropes!

    6. Suggestions & Improvements

      If you have any suggestions for game improvements, please let us know. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

    7. Error reporting

      If you get any in game error, please report it here. Error reporting is essential and encouraged, so please do report every error you find.

    8. Yearly Awards

      Discussion and awards

    9. Foreign Language Forums

      Discussion in Languages other than English

  2. The Real World - MMA Forum

    1. General MMA / UFC Forum

      A general Mixed Martial Arts forum for UFC discussion - all MMA and Ultimate Fighting Championship discussion in the same forum.

    2. General Discussion

      Talk about anything non-MMA related in here.

    3. Pictures & Multimedia

      Photoshop to your hearts content, post pictures of ladies with big boobs... You know the sort of thing - just keep it clean - no porn, no nudity, no copyright infringement.

    4. UFC / MMA News Forum

      News as it happens from around the Mixed Martial Arts world. News feeds from our friends at MMAInsider and the UFC.

    5. Off Topic

      If you want to talk rubbish, do it in here.

    6. Fantasy Sports Games

      Fantasy sports leagues for Football/Soccer, American Football, NBA or whatever anyone wants to set up a league for.

  • Posts

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    • Premier League Grappling Competition   Unleashing the Best Upcoming Grapplers from around the world    Premier League Grappling brings together 20 of the top prospects in the grappling world. Each fighter will compete in 38 matches over 4 months . Face each opponent twice  Matches are scheduled every 3 days, ensuring regular competition.  Points System  Win -2 points  Tie -1  point  Loss - 0 points  Submission Victory -3 points (includes a bonus point)   First Half Completion - $200,000 per fighter Full Season Completion - Additional $200,000 per fighter  (this will increase if everything goes to plan )    Prize Money First Place**: £2 million Second Place**: To be confirmed Third Place**: To be confirmed   Eligibility Fighters must be at 18 years old. Each manager can have a maximum of 2 fighters. Creation date will be posted once the fighters have been filled . Once created the league will start 7 days later . 
    • Take A Closer Look At The Two Featherweights Set To Battle In Saturday’s Co-Main Event Read the Full Article Here[url={url}]View the full article[/url]
    • I believe he is talking about my hopefull revenge fight. Since it was double elimination I should have gotten a rematch for the final fight. that said I totally forgot myself and signed with a new org. I can get him to set up a loan contract for Jimmys org though if you don’t mind running one last event?
    • Guys I’m off my arse busy and will get payouts sorted tomorrow evening. @Alfred has notified me of an error in my post. Prize winners adjusted above. Apologies. Even with the MMA final loss, Frank Brown had the most accumulated pts throughout the tourney and wins the overall while Hung Young Wang remains the winner of the MMA leg.    
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