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    • How darth thy accuse me off such a ghastly label. A flake, i be not!      did I pay this current season? 
    • Mike Tycoon has never partcipated in any season of PFL. I was told he considers it competitiopn for his Betting site.
    • Pickle MANIA!!!!!!!!!! aka some good freakshow fights coming up woohoo!
    • Dario Juan Pablo (404630) Rumour has it that Fuhrer Alfred's tournaments have become so legendary that word of the Midsummer Slaughter even made it all the way to Tijuana. Now in Mexico the drug cartels see and hear everything. We aren't sure if its the $6 million dollar prize that goes to the winner.... or if its the brain damaged ex-fighters that now live in Tijuana re-telling the horrors of the Christmas Day Massacre. Either way when word reached the Sinaloa Cartel they sent one of their foot soldiers to participate in the carnage. Naturally not much is known about Dario Juan Pablo (if thats even his real name) other than he is here to do the cartel's work. If the cartel sent him though.... you can bet he is likely here for violence and probably one lime short of a Corona if you catch the drift.
    • Watching Jack Reacher season 1 now. So far i like it, nothing special, other than you have a big white musclehead beating people up (which is unusual these days, it was the norm in the 80s and 90s). It is more detective orientated than i thought, also Reacher is a high IQ guy. I never got that impression from the games. 
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