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Ztarken multi?


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Yesterday I was looking who will pick up my fighter and 4 of them picked up this guy http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=46335. I was looking at his profile and noticed something interesting in gym he trains. there where sparring in all categories in all times with 5 people but if you look at coaches he have 13 coaches there and all trains 1x1 except CT coach who had like 2-3 people per session so basically he had 58fighter and only 13 of them was on coaches it is 35sparr bots over there he has. Ok then I was going to check what kinda people sparr for him and it was interesting also. By the why this is the gym http://www.mmatycoon.com/gympublic.php?gmid=2186 and he of course its not real owner but some one holds it for him because he runs organization.



SO lets see who are there.


This guy has registered on 2011-07-01 and has historical record of 1-0-0 (0 NCs). Is playing game for 1 year and 1month and have done 1 fight. Have 2 fighters 1 of them isn't doing anything and other one is red belt sparring in the same gym as Ztarkens fighter are. Manager is non-VIP and has 20k in his manager balance. If you notice have done last fight in 2012-05-07 in this case only fight.





This gut created on 2011-07-06 17:45:29 has historical record of 4-0-0 (0 NCs). Plays the game for 1 year and has his last fight at 2012-05-18. Currently holds 3 fighters 1 of them isnt doing anything and is picked up other 2 with Elite primaries are in Ztarkens gym. Manager is non-vip and holds 23k in his bank balance.





This guy has registered on 2011-08-17 and has historical record of 4-1-0 (0 NCs). Has been playing for 9 months and currently have 3 fighter. 1 of them is in Ztarkens org 1 of them is in different org have done 1 fight there and one with Elite wrestling is sparring in Ztarkens gym. Manager is non-VIP and holds 10k in his bank balances. all fighter are picked up not created and the last fight is on 2012-05-21.





This guy has registered on 2011-07-20 14:44:21 and has historical record of 2011-07-20 14:44:21. Currently holds 3 fighters two of them isnt doing anything and 1 with Elite wrestling is in Ztarkens gym. fighter of course is non-VIP and has 28k in his pocket.





created on 2011-07-06 and has historical record of 13-6-0 (0 NCs). Has 3 fighters all fighter are picked up. 2 of them fights in Ztarkens org and 1 with Elite boxing is in his gym. Manager is non vip and has 34k in his pocket.





Created on 2011-03-30 18:15:54 has historical record of 17-17-0 (0 NCs) has 2 fighter 1 is fighting in Ztarkens org and 1 is in his gym with Elite MT. Manager has 30k and of course is non-vip.





created on 011-03-21 09:28:11 and has record of 15-22-0 (0 NCs). Has 3 fighters 2 of them isnt doing anything 1 is in Ztarkens gym with Elite MT. all fighter picked up manger is non-VIP been playing game for 1year and 4months last fight had in 2012-05-22 manager holds 25k.





created on 2011-08-23 has historical record of 10-13-1 (0 NCs). has 4 fighter all picked up 2 of them fighting in Ztarkens organization 2 of them with elite primaries are in his gym. manager is non-vip and holds 3k.





created on 2011-07-20 record 27-28-0 has 4 fighters 2 of them fights for Ztarken 2 with Elite primaries are in gym. non VIP with 35k.





3 fights for him 1 in gym with Elite primarie





3 fighter all picked up all fights for him guy with black belt are in his gym.





4 fighters all 3 of them fight for Ztarken who are picked up and 1 with Elite primaries is in gym





this guy is interesting he is VIP and 9 fighter of his rosters are with Elite primaries and in his gym other 6 fighters are in his org fighting.





this guy is who holds the gym also is VIP and has 6 fighters with Elite primaries in his gym and other 4 are fighting for him.




also vip has same story half are in his gym sparring half with him fighting.







these all three almost similar have 4 fighters are non VIP have half of rosters sparring others fighting.




and i have to ask have those the multi counts ? only if i create from my IP other account and play with it also? But if i go to like 4 of my buddy houses create account there and put them as sparr bots at my gym then it also counts or not? Because of course they will have different IP but in no why you will not tell that like 6 guys who he doesn't knows him in real life for more then 1year just logs in this game to support his guys in sparring.

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Ztarken is a multi for sure, there is no way you dominate this game so quickly without having a couple accounts to learn sliders. He is also a big money launder and i believe he has responded to my VIP for in game cash forum posts with a couple of different accounts in the past.



I will admit i had a 2nd account for the first 3 weeks of playing this game before i went VIP. The ground slider knowledge i gained from that account was INVALUABLE despite only having 4 fights.



So if a noob like me does something like that............. the 3000+ accounts mike has deleted since i started playing speaks for itself.

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Ztarken is a multi for sure, there is no way you dominate this game so quickly without having a couple accounts to learn sliders. He is also a big money launder and i believe he has responded to my VIP for in game cash forum posts with a couple of different accounts in the past.



I will admit i had a 2nd account for the first 3 weeks of playing this game before i went VIP. The ground slider knowledge i gained from that account was INVALUABLE despite only having 4 fights.



So if a noob like me does something like that............. the 3000+ accounts mike has deleted since i started playing speaks for itself.


Have to say when I had my first account we started to play together but then after like 2months he left so I asked him to keep the account if its needed. I didn't learn any sliders from it but some times ussed it to check some things and to see forum when I was banned but that didn't benefit my fighters of any kind but this guy is on other level with this thing.

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If you look through his last twenty fights about half of them are against managers in his network. Managers who own companies for him, have fighters spar in his gym or fight exclusively in his orgs. So they are obviously multis. Who would play the game just to be smashed by the same manager over and over again in his org?

Months ago he was doing shady things with FA's. He was picking them up, signing them to his org, accepting a fight and releasing them. Effectively removing them from the game. He made all apologies and promised to end his shady behavior with FA's, but now he is right back to it. All of the fighters he picks up are effectively removed from the game. He will badger the owners of the org they are signed to to let him out of the contract so he can bring the fighters to his org where they will smash his multi's fighters until the end of time.

I kind of knew what he would do in that regards so I sent him this message Wednesday:

I'd appreciate it if you let this guy slide through to me tomorrow: http://mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilepublic.php?FID=130309

I'm going to pick up more long term guys now, and there are plenty of high pop guys for your org on the FA list. So it wont hurt you to let Simans slip through to me. I wasn't too happy when you picked up Dignam then moved and released him. I would have actually picked him up and kept him.


I received no response so I sent this one last night:

Pretty much what I expected. You used your un-earned ranking to cherry pick the FA's. Fight me with either DeBramalo vs Miyaguchi or Jones vs McDermot or Reilly. I win you cut Simans so he comes to me, you win I'll cut my losing fighter so you can grab him. Be a man and back your ranking up.


I know he'll never accept my challenge. He's a fraud and he knows it. I have his SHW champ and he will never fight in his org again. If any of the fighters he picked up are contracted to your org don't let him buy out the contract. Make him fight his way out.

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shouldnt mike do something about it like ban him or?


If I was banned on something that its not based on the game it self bu this guy is abusing the game it self so much and will not get anything for that i would have to says its wrong.

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This is a whole can of wtf.... Humors pretty much laid out all the evidence I need to see ...


Can we get some discipline dropped on this guy


Also interesting is that all these non vip manager except for 2 or 1 i dont remember all where created in 2011-07 and almost all had last fight on 2012-05



I actually think he is not 1 on this because looks like he is building it for a while and there is also other guy i noticed


this guy who runs feeder org for him http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=55473 are staff of this gym http://www.mmatycoon.com/gympublic.php?gmid=2222 witch owner is this guy http://www.mmatycoon.com/managerprofilemanager.php?MgrID=65533 and of course all these guys first or in feeder org or in Starkens org and looks like they dont care about the outcome of the fight but also interesting is that in this second gym you can see a lot of guys from those noob acounts who where sparrbots in Starkens gym but no so high skilled guys only those who cant be Elite sparr bots and fights in his org because really if you look at that gym also that gym with 55 fighter have like 1-3 maximum fighter per session on coach.


for Mike to check it i think its really easy just ask Starken to give him PMs where he recruited him and what was the deal because like I noticed in first post these guys who are non VIP dont have a lot money some have only like 4k the richest was like 30k with 2 sparr bots in his gym and if they are non vip they dont cant even transfer it so basically they are doing it free. As to Mike yes ask for PMs where he recruited him if he tells that he have deleted it i could understand that because he gets a lot messages and he could do that but then check those noob account mails because in no why guy who only doest sparring in gym are deleting messages out of his mail where he probably got like 10 of them.

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Yeh wow what a whole can of worms this is. In all honesty I remember being surprised at seeing Ztarken so high a month or so back. I remember looking at his profile and seeing he ran his own org and just put it down to that really. Thought he was probably just booking himself easy fights which makes it easy to shoot up the rankings. I didn't really look past that as I guess I thought if there was more to it someone else would notice with him being number 1.


Seems that I'm probably not the only one who had a similiar experience. Now after humors has looked into it a little it all looks very shady to say the least and most likely blatant multi abuse.


I think what humors was saying at the end is that most likely these won't be tradtional multi's on the same IP but either created at at friends account or perhaps from friends online who maybe create an account, login every now and again for gym changes while Ztarken will do something similiar for them in some other MMO game, admittedly I'm speculating there but I wouldn't be surprised.


It's apseed's post which starts to wind me up, not him personally but what he said. I don't think I know apseed but at a quick glance seems a legit player who fights in decent orgs and has got to number 2 rank. He's worked hard and played this game the 'right way' and wants to pick up a free agent to give him a long term future yet he has to miss out to someone who's abused the system through multi's and running his own org, that just sucks and is why any cheating needs to be punished.

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I've been through this dance with Ztarken. I led the charge against him almost a year ago when he was raping FAs bank accounts and settin them up to lose in his org before he released them (advice given to him by from Chris Karter).


There's also the supp company he's affiliated with that researched 3 160s.


But frankly, none of 'his' accounts show the same IP (been checked) and that's how this game is set up so I guess that's all that matters.


If he doesn't get banned check out his org which solved something I hate even more than Multis about this game - tickers. I have 4 guys fighting weekly for him and honestly not dealing with tickers is very nice.

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I think what humors was saying at the end is that most likely these won't be tradtional multi's on the same IP but either created at at friends account or perhaps from friends online who maybe create an account, login every now and again for gym changes while Ztarken will do something similiar for them in some other MMO game, admittedly I'm speculating there but I wouldn't be surprised.




Thats most likely because when you look at those non vips there are created with like 10day difference and a lot of them have fight in like 10day difference and last one a lot of them where on 2012-05



Its not even that hard at this moment I also could or recruit or go to some ones place to register the account with 4 fighter put them in cheapest gyms with only sparring. If I would put it 1sparring session 1session free i would only have to log like 1time or what was the time account is deleted in months? And when it hits Elite just put them in my gym and the same story. And like 5 of those accounts are copy of what I just said.

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IMO. Banning him is too much. Just dont let him get free agent anymore :P



I really cant see what is the problem with free agents thats normal with your account to do that legal. But when you have multi accounts in gym as perfect 5 class Elite sparring all day I call that cheating and proababbly the fighter who where getting biggest benefits for that need to be cut and all those multis need to be deleted. As for him you can let him play but cut all his new guys who have monster stats because he cheated and ban all his multis probably drop his orgs raitings because he got that up because of multis and give him his last warning.

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I've been through this dance with Ztarken. I led the charge against him almost a year ago when he was raping FAs bank accounts and settin them up to lose in his org before he released them (advice given to him by from Chris Karter).



so it's due to that mothafuck that now we can't sack a fighter that has a fight booked ?

damn fuck that asshole

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it's like the 57th case of multi with ztarken, i guess the guy enjoy login with as much account LOL


when you look at it different for sparr bots he jut need to log in like 6times a month for 6accounts. As for others its more but really in this game you have to spend like 10mins on it to set training scheduler and for 2 times a week set sliders with most of the time isnt that different as your fighter skills is based. Most likely he spends like 1hour a month for all this multis. For those sparr bots he spends 1min on each a month and to accept fights its almost the same.

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