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Election Bet?


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Election fraud in progress. I called it months ago, smarter people than me called it when the china virus came out. I was a little more reserved about this "pandemic" but it turns out the china flu was not an accident. It was controlled chaos.





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just wait til the dust settles lol...


and if the voting is legit and the people truly prefer China communism and censorship over America Freedom and Liberty, he'll graciously step aside and go back to being filthy rich and successful.


connect the dots...


how do you prevent re-election? economy needs to be worse than it was prior to him getting into office, not better, which it was before the China virus (who has most to lose with Trump in power? turning America into an EXPORTER, not an importer. taking on china head on. is it really a surprise china started the china virus?). chaos needs to be spread. how do you forge votes? mail in ballots and voter harvesting. Guess who controls Hong Kong once again...


The richest people on this planet consider themselves "elite". Their ego convinces them it's their job to the save the planet and humanity from itself by making the choices "necessary evil for the greater good". Population control i.e. Election fraud i.e. Censorship i.e. geographic destabilization in foreign affairs. etc. etc. etc.


But what do I know? I'm just an uneducated independent patriot of humanity ✊???

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I was a conspiracy nut when I said...


- Cigerrete smoke kills people (25+ years ago...)

- Adderall is bad for children

- MKULTRA experiments were real

- MJ was a pedophile

- Hollyweird has a pedophile problem

- Cosby is a serial rapist

- 9/11 could of been prevented (these fuckers were on terrorist watch list)

- Iraq war was illegal and WMD were fake

- CIA/FBI traffics cocaine

- GVT found a UFO

- The government is spying on citizens through phones and social media

- Clinton's are corrupt

- Epstein worked for intelligence agencies

- Russia Gate was a hoax

- Corona virus is the china flu



I ate the red pill a loooooooong time ago. Ignorance is bliss though. And we shouldn't believe everything we read on the internet ???


and America has never intervened in an election or been involved with voter meddling before... ?

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In the 2000's I was snapping on adults who put their children on adderall. I'd say it's unhealthy and "experts" like doctors would disagree and try to use fancy words to articulate their way through the BS. I borderline got into fights with parents over them putting my lil bro/cousin on adderall at an early age. The doctor's office gets paid for shit like this. Nobody listens then.


check this shit out. I didn't go balls deep to find an article just pointing out the earliest ages of children getting prescribed adderall.





To this day the majority of people have no issues with children being on adderall despite proof that it's bad for developing mind. I'm sure there's kids out there that probably legitimately need it, but the bulk don't. They just have lazy ass parents that think it's easier to dope the kid up then interact or engage with them in a way where they can exert energy. Nowadays its pop this and here's your ipad don't bother me why I'm watching my show. I also think too many parents just trust "experts" opinions without fact checking the shit that comes out their mouth and/or they take advice from other bad parents.


"Johnny was bad at school, and then we gave him the magic pill and he's better. You should to!"






Point being I was yelling this shit in the 2000's, when I was a child, because it was obvious and the very little research I could find (if any, I don't remember wtf I read about it) supported it yet everybody ignored it, except maybe friends who conceded that I was smarter or more educated on the subject than them.


The truth is always conspiracy to those who can't fathom or accept it as a reality.

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teachers were the ones that recommended/demanded my lil bro get put on adderall cuz he was struggling in school being hyper/goofy.


true, he got in a lot less trouble when they gave him adderall and he went to school.


how I proved my little bro didn't need adderall was I told him I'd give him a dollar for every pill he gave me instead of taking it, but if he got in trouble at school he doesn't get the dollar, if he doesn't do his homework, he doesn't get the dollar. For almost 60 days he went without a single adderall and didn't get in trouble.


proving my parents were fucking idiots duped by a retarded doctor and corrupt system much like the majority of the american public is with most things.

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In the 2000's I was snapping on adults who put their children on adderall. I'd say it's unhealthy and "experts" like doctors would disagree and try to use fancy words to articulate their way through the BS. I borderline got into fights with parents over them putting my lil bro/cousin on adderall at an early age. The doctor's office gets paid for shit like this. Nobody listens then.


check this shit out. I didn't go balls deep to find an article just pointing out the earliest ages of children getting prescribed adderall.





To this day the majority of people have no issues with children being on adderall despite proof that it's bad for developing mind. I'm sure there's kids out there that probably legitimately need it, but the bulk don't. They just have lazy ass parents that think it's easier to dope the kid up then interact or engage with them in a way where they can exert energy. Nowadays its pop this and here's your ipad don't bother me why I'm watching my show. I also think too many parents just trust "experts" opinions without fact checking the shit that comes out their mouth and/or they take advice from other bad parents.


"Johnny was bad at school, and then we gave him the magic pill and he's better. You should to!"






Point being I was yelling this shit in the 2000's, when I was a child, because it was obvious and the very little research I could find (if any, I don't remember wtf I read about it) supported it yet everybody ignored it, except maybe friends who conceded that I was smarter or more educated on the subject than them.


The truth is always conspiracy to those who can't fathom or accept it as a reality.


There are some kids that legit need it but not to the extent that America prescribes it but America has always had that problem being based on a privatized healthcare model... it is all about selling the medicine. Such a fucked up business model when it comes to health but very profitable. You had that lawsuit that was settled about Oxy not too long ago. It isn't a conspiracy, it is literally the model that the American Healthcare system is founded on.


As far as Addy is concerned? I am assuming you sold those tablets your brother gave you for $5-10 a pop at one of the Universities. It is very effective at what it does with very limited side effects compared to its counterparts (Cocaine and pure caffeine). This is of course for the college students etc, not kids. Addy over here is quite expensive to buy, usually it is dexamphetamine you get on the street level. It is kind of difficult to get prescribed them. Often it is months of observations with a specialists recommendation. Then again we don't have to pay for our prescriptions so they don't just pass them out like candy.


You used the positive reinforcement which often works with kids with ADHD (any psychological journal will tell you that, negative reinforcement is often met with negative consequences which is why teachers have such a difficult time controlling students with it). It actually just works in general even with kids without ADHD and are just a bit of a handful. The blaming the parents is a bit of a catch all though. It is the same way ADHD is a bit of a catch all for any kid that is challenging. Most kids spend a majority of their time with teachers and not their parents. Teachers for the most part have good intentions for kids but they do not have time to deal with those who are challenging. This is the pattern you will see.


Kid misbehaves in school quite a bit and the teachers call in the parents. Teachers will say the kid might have ADHD, should go to a doctor and get it checked out. Parents take kid to the doctors and low and behold the doctor will say the kid shows the signs of ADHD and will prescribe them Addy. It isn't lazy parenting, people will take a doctors word as gospel. When most general practitioners are really little more than receptionists for the specialists. You couple that with the fact that Pharma companies spend millions, if not billions on buying these general practitioners and you have yourself a problem... Oxy has shown that.

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She could be a chinese spy sent here to play into peoples conspiracy, or she's a chinese virologist whistle blower who says china released the virus.




^ twitter took down her handle. china arrested her mother and she's in FBI protective custody? ? Former china virologist claims china virus is man made and released to cause chaos. "only china communist party know reason for evil action" or some shit, is kind of what she says. She also says other whistle blowers china has made disappeared in the interview w/ tucker Carlson.


is it really so hard to believe that a country that is on its 3rd or 4th genocide and has implemented pop control and tried to undermine USA at every turn would release a corona virus?


I could also see her being a chinese spy really trying to play into the China takeover narrative, to pit red and blue against each other even more than they already are. Red thinks they're fighting commie China, blue thinks they're fighting Trump loyalist army lol







^^^ accidental machine error switches Republican votes to Democrats... nothin to see here... ??

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In the 2000's I was snapping on adults who put their children on adderall. I'd say it's unhealthy and "experts" like doctors would disagree and try to use fancy words to articulate their way through the BS. I borderline got into fights with parents over them putting my lil bro/cousin on adderall at an early age. The doctor's office gets paid for shit like this. Nobody listens then.


check this shit out. I didn't go balls deep to find an article just pointing out the earliest ages of children getting prescribed adderall.





To this day the majority of people have no issues with children being on adderall despite proof that it's bad for developing mind. I'm sure there's kids out there that probably legitimately need it, but the bulk don't. They just have lazy ass parents that think it's easier to dope the kid up then interact or engage with them in a way where they can exert energy. Nowadays its pop this and here's your ipad don't bother me why I'm watching my show. I also think too many parents just trust "experts" opinions without fact checking the shit that comes out their mouth and/or they take advice from other bad parents.


"Johnny was bad at school, and then we gave him the magic pill and he's better. You should to!"






Point being I was yelling this shit in the 2000's, when I was a child, because it was obvious and the very little research I could find (if any, I don't remember wtf I read about it) supported it yet everybody ignored it, except maybe friends who conceded that I was smarter or more educated on the subject than them.


The truth is always conspiracy to those who can't fathom or accept it as a reality.

Tldr: u are sayimg bad parenting is bad to kids

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There are some kids that legit need it but not to the extent that America prescribes it but America has always had that problem being based on a privatized healthcare model... it is all about selling the medicine. Such a fucked up business model when it comes to health but very profitable. You had that lawsuit that was settled about Oxy not too long ago. It isn't a conspiracy, it is literally the model that the American Healthcare system is founded on.


As far as Addy is concerned? I am assuming you sold those tablets your brother gave you for $5-10 a pop at one of the Universities. It is very effective at what it does with very limited side effects compared to its counterparts (Cocaine and pure caffeine). This is of course for the college students etc, not kids. Addy over here is quite expensive to buy, usually it is dexamphetamine you get on the street level. It is kind of difficult to get prescribed them. Often it is months of observations with a specialists recommendation. Then again we don't have to pay for our prescriptions so they don't just pass them out like candy.


You used the positive reinforcement which often works with kids with ADHD (any psychological journal will tell you that, negative reinforcement is often met with negative consequences which is why teachers have such a difficult time controlling students with it). It actually just works in general even with kids without ADHD and are just a bit of a handful. The blaming the parents is a bit of a catch all though. It is the same way ADHD is a bit of a catch all for any kid that is challenging. Most kids spend a majority of their time with teachers and not their parents. Teachers for the most part have good intentions for kids but they do not have time to deal with those who are challenging. This is the pattern you will see.


Kid misbehaves in school quite a bit and the teachers call in the parents. Teachers will say the kid might have ADHD, should go to a doctor and get it checked out. Parents take kid to the doctors and low and behold the doctor will say the kid shows the signs of ADHD and will prescribe them Addy. It isn't lazy parenting, people will take a doctors word as gospel. When most general practitioners are really little more than receptionists for the specialists. You couple that with the fact that Pharma companies spend millions, if not billions on buying these general practitioners and you have yourself a problem... Oxy has shown that.



If you are really interested in this kind of discussion. Most of what is addressed in this thread is 20 yo debate under 6 feet of dirt.


If anyone has anything to say that is true and contradicts worldwide scientific consensus (which a really quick cochrane meta-analysis research and reading can provide), please, RETTY please, open your excel, treat your data and publish.


Its Lancet/JAMA/Nature material.

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