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  • Posts

    • Tycoon Times Reporter: In a wild opening night of the CK tournament, on fight stood out from the rest. A short showdown between Cal Ripken and Delroy Nova captivated fans for the entire 1 minute and 22 seconds of the fight, and the ending left them speechless. Let’s take it down to our ringside reporter, Tracy. Tracy: Coming out of the gate, we got a quick glimpse into Nova’s game plan. His first move was a clinch attempt, which Ripken quickly swatted away. For the next 30 seconds the two traded damaging shots, before Nova responded to a Ripken uppercut with one of his own, that landed perfectly, knocking the former all American baseball player to the floor. He waved him back up, thinking it was over for the clearly rocked Ripken, but little did he know, Ripken’s heart would back him up. Ripken was biding his time, regaining his senses, when out of nowhere he through a huge combo, and while only a couple of the shots landed, they were powerful enough to clearly stun the  Canadian. Then, he did what Nova failed to do: knock out the rocked fighter. His next blow was an uppercut (I guess both of these fighters really like uppercuts) that was so quick and powerful that many in the crowd didn’t even see it. Nova was out before he hit the ground, and his limp body laid there for nearly five minutes before he came to. Let’s give it to Ripken for his thoughts on the fight.  Cal Ripken:  “Nova was a tough opponent, he almost had me with that knockdown in the first minute. But, knowing me, I wasn’t about to give up so I exposed that weak chin of his by giving him my signature uppercut from hell!” Post Fight Press Conference From Super-Agent Fireballer34: ”I’m very proud of Cal for fighting through adversity and persevering to beat Nova. I have great respect for Delroy and his manager, and he fought hard, but Cal has worked longer and harder, so I think he is the fighter to beat in this tournament.” Next up for Ripken is the clinch warrior Lamar Riggs, who also won his first fight from a TKO.  
    • Adding orders for classifieds is definitely a good idea. A leaderboard for writers would be cool too, if Mike had the time. As to the manager trophy, are you just saying there could be one for 10, 50, 100 etc. articles included?
    • I include one of your articles virtually every week. I like your event reviews and fighter profiles, so I almost always include those, although you could make them a bit longer. I often don’t include your just fights articles that just talk about the company, because they are more of an ad than interesting. Maybe you could use those as classifieds. Overall, my feedback for you is instead of writing 3 shorter and messier articles, write 1-2 longer, detailed, and cleaner ones and they will certainly be included every time.
    • Setting The Table For Saturday’s Outstanding Pay-Per-View Opener Of 2025 Read the Full Article Here[url={url}]View the full article[/url]
    • Great addition to Syn with this! Will be watching....
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