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Everything posted by Jersey

  1. It has to be laundered, typically through a clothing or supplement store. Make sure you speak to the owner first, don't just buy random laundry items and expect to get any money back.
  2. I would think Balance or Agility might play a role in it, too? But that's just completely guessing. Here's my guard pull win from the other day: https://www.mmatycoon.com/fightcommentary.php?FTID=1146279 I've also found guard pulls useful with this build against clinch guys. Lots of the time they're too wrestling heavy and you don't get them down, but you get separation and reset back to striking.
  3. Unfortunately, Wrestling does matter too even with this build. For the clinch entries and control. Though I did win a fight on Friday by pulling guard then subbing with a guy with only woeful wrestling. I like this build and have been playing with it myself, I'm really not 100% sure what primaries and secondaries affect the actual guard pull, though.
  4. Jersey


    Kickboxing is the toughest to get into(as opposed to MMA or Grappling), as there are very few kickboxing orgs since they tend to make the least money. I know one newer manager had a thread talking about starting one recently, but I am not sure if it ever happened.
  5. New tournament: Super Massacre. 2 fights/day! 1 month long. 60 fights. 18 year old creation. Guys will be seasoned vets ready to retire by 19.
  6. I have to admit, I'm very excited for this one.
  7. Thank you for bumping this, this is fantastic.
  8. Yeah, that's why I think I'd just prefer striking with a modified Clinch system. 1 stall, ref breaks it. I think that'd be well enough for the people that want pure striking.
  9. I wouldn't mind that. Or even KT with aggressive clinch breaks. Like, 1 stall and the ref steps in.
  10. I was going to say that predicting Mr. Pickles hiddens might require its own thread, but this may be spot on and require no further discussion.
  11. Quite honestly, my biggest issue with participating in KT is that it shows up on the overall MMA record. I know it sounds silly, maybe it's some OCD thing, but that drives me crazy.
  12. Any time! If you don't have luck there, I'll speak to a few others.
  13. I passed along to one org which he'd qualify for.
  14. Damn, I had a guy that would have been perfect for this, but I JUST gave in and signed him to a multi fight contract. Best of luck!
  15. A statement released from Jan Siuta, Demyan Pulaski's acting manager: "Demyan Pulaski will not be using social media while preparing for the next round, I will be speaking for him. He promises not to tickle your butthole, as he does not want to face what's on the other side of the airlock. Yet, he has agreed to make sure that your head will be shaking. Left, right, up, down, then just shaking and convulsing on the ground. Would you prefer to be choked out or knocked out?"
  16. https://www.mmatycoon.com/fighterprofilemanager.php?FID=401184 Gabriel Mil will be my entrant, thanks man!
  17. I don't know why the text in my last post didn't show up. That's awesome great job guys!!!
  18. Oh crap, missed that part. I thought it was on signup here. I'll be there, you know me. I'll create and contact you as soon as Island opens.
  19. Mike sent a mail saying it will be open between now and the New Year, if I recall correctly.
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