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LEVEL MMA: Summit Series


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Young Blood: "0 and 8 in grappling equals 0 fucks givin'. I ain't bout that gay shit, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I go no skills when it comes to rolling around and huggin dudes. Shit, if I'm bout to put my hands on another man it will be my Nyquil knuckles to their eye.

Macho, respect to you for winning phase one. But that won't matter when you step in the ring with me. See you soon.

Like the diamonds in my grill it's BG's time to shine!"

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On 3/13/2024 at 7:29 PM, silverback said:


Young Blood: "0 and 8 in grappling equals 0 fucks givin'. I ain't bout that gay shit, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I go no skills when it comes to rolling around and huggin dudes. Shit, if I'm bout to put my hands on another man it will be my Nyquil knuckles to their eye.

Macho, respect to you for winning phase one. But that won't matter when you step in the ring with me. See you soon.

Like the diamonds in my grill it's BG's time to shine!"

Young Blood: Well, damn... I was fucking wrong about that... Nice work Macho!

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That's right, that Jone White character knew he was in over his head and then as scripted I knocked it right off his shoulders.  Some might call it an upset, but it was his fate from the moment the fight was announced.  You are up next Panda, you might think you are this big scary bear but I am a Nigerian Headhunter and I have you next in my sights.  Be ready


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4 hours ago, silverback said:

Young Blood: Well, damn... I was fucking wrong about that... Nice work Macho!


Super Macho Man: Thanks. Truth to be told I had my doubts this part of the tournament would be a good career move for me, but my manager kept telling me "just grab the guy and whatever you do don't let go". "Use your pressure game, the ropes is the new floor" he said. I'm sure you are gonna knock some guys out the coming rounds BG, you are one of the top strikers here so after this fight I feel I can take on anyone.

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Lysander has asked me to speak on his behalf because he is "really fucking busy right now!".

His fight with Kenji Matsuda was quite brutal but Lysander was incredibly tough and took an absolutely vicious hammering without giving up, he was badly cut but kept fighting to the very end until his cardio gave out. His lack of confidence is a serious worry but I am confident he will not quit and will face whoever is next in spite of himself, his coaches & I know he has great potential if we can just get him to have some, well any in fact, self-belief, he has the talents to do well and we just have to convince him he can do it.

He is in a dark place right now but every fighter has to face their demons sooner or later after a bad defeat.

Congratulations Kenji, you fought well and none of this should take away from a great victory, you were the better, stronger fighter on the night & you have my respect, in time Lysander will come to thank you for making him a better fighter.

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Gentlemen, thank you for your patience. A proper Org owner would have done a preview and some hype-building leading up to this card, but those who know me, also know I’m a bit of a twat. Those who don’t know me so well, should temper their expectations.


LEVEL SUMMIT SERIES - KT Level Round 1 Highlights

Tokyo, Japan

FOTN - Kenji Matsuda vs Lysander Birdwhistle

Oh how the mighty have fallen. After running roughshod through the grappling rounds, Lysander Birdwhistle had a blanket thrown on him and lost the leg to my own surprise. That is neither here nor there now, since people are beginning to punch and kick one another. Kenji Matsuda got the first crack at him in the KT rounds, and for all intents and purposes, ate his lunch. Akira Shigeru sent his man into this fight to deal some damage and that is exactly what he did. A patient Matsuda threw heavy counter shots to batter, cut and knock Birdwhistle down in the first frame. If there were any doubt about Lysander’s heart, that should be gone now as he stayed in fighting form, regaining his legs and bearing down for battle. This was a bit of a back and forth affair but Round 1 damage, coupled with the clinch battle in Round 2 had Matsuda flying high as he finally put Birdwhistle on queer street at the start of the 3rd.

KOTN - Ted Kona

Much like my love life, Ted Kona gets in and out in 31 seconds.


Tinashe Chukwuma takes out another standout from the grappling rounds in Jone White. Immediately talks shit to Summit Panda while slapping himself in the belly.

Macho Man remains a handsome fella. I’m not even mad at Young Blood, just disappointed. 

Wang isn’t even trying to hide it; he’s here to fuck people.

Panda and Robillard start hot (I tried to warn you about Cope T) and Frank Brown takes home a decision win.

Macka Briggs fights a leprechaun on St. Paddy’s Day. What an asshole.

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Still holding out hope that we’ll see @Rei log onto the game this week, but we’re facing the very real possibility that Jack Brittle will not accept his fight with Rogelio Nunez next Sunday. I hope all is well with his manager irl but if he fails to show, he will be cut from the tournament full stop. Obviously this fucks the format that we have in place, but I think the only “fair” move forward would be to assign his spot as a loss holder (for continuity of the fight brackets) and award a forfeit win to his eventual opponents. If anyone has suggestions that we can all agree on, I’m happy to hear them in case this becomes an eventuality. Thoughts?

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On 3/24/2024 at 5:20 PM, Carciofi said:

Still holding out hope that we’ll see @Rei log onto the game this week, but we’re facing the very real possibility that Jack Brittle will not accept his fight with Rogelio Nunez next Sunday. I hope all is well with his manager irl but if he fails to show, he will be cut from the tournament full stop. Obviously this fucks the format that we have in place, but I think the only “fair” move forward would be to assign his spot as a loss holder (for continuity of the fight brackets) and award a forfeit win to his eventual opponents. If anyone has suggestions that we can all agree on, I’m happy to hear them in case this becomes an eventuality. Thoughts?


My bad, sorry to worry. I'll be around to accept the fights on time going forward.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Well, another weekend, and I got my ass kicked again, I should have beaten the guy but for whatever reason better Wrestling seems to elevate to having superior Boxing & Muay Thai too, fucked if I know how that works, can't catch a break in this phase. Oh well, at least my Doctor is making a shedload of money putting my face back together each fortnight.

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Apologies for the lack of coverage for Round 2 lads. Work and family took center stage and I’m sure you can all relate.


LEVEL SUMMIT SERIES - KT Level Round 3 Highlights

Tokyo, Japan

FOTN - Hung Young Wang vs Summit Panda

Wang has been a swinging dick in this Series so far but Panda was jacked for this match up and wasn’t prepared to go down without a fight. Wang brought volume striking to his opponent, who handled the pressure very well. Panda couldn’t wait to get his hands on Wang and dominated in the clinch and worked well in the pocket, beating Wang to the floor. The second knockdown was a glimpse at the imminent finish. Wang was hard as fuck until he went limp. 

KOTN - Tinashe Chukwuma

Chukwuma found himself in an even match up, so he decided to hit his opponent harder.


Young Blood wins! That’s it…that’s the headline.

Macho Man continues to show flashes of “meh” but keeps winning. 

You know when your nose is really dry and you develop a whistle when you breathe? That will now forever be knwn as a Lysander.

Robillard polishes off an early tournament menace in Frank Brown.

Nunez piles onto Rockmuller’s hopes and dreams  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Macho Man may be behind on points here but have been looking strong in the third round, that punch before definitely rocked Chukwuma.

Macho Man lands a right hand that snaps the head of Chukwuma backwards.
Macho Man lands another uppercut that snaps the head of Chukwuma backwards again.

Mac: Hit him harder, use your special!

Macho Man creates a bit of space for himself and unleashed what can only be described as a tiger uppercut, straight out of Street Fighter! Chukwuma crashes to the mat! Can he make it back to his feet in time? 3,4,5,6... it doesn't look like he's going to make it! Chukwuma face plants back to the mat and the referee calls off the fight! Macho Man takes it with a brutal technical knockout!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 4:29 of round 3, we have a winner by way of TKO (Punch). Super Macho Man!


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Well, another weekend, and I was expecting to get my ass kicked again, instead I got what can only be described as a sickening & smothering amount of weird affection, it was like running into an obsessed super-fan who just wants to become physically embedded in your skin - yeuch! I am still scraping the dudes skin-cells off me 8 hours laters, its nasty.
No punches, no kicks, no elbows, no knees, not even a few harsh words, nothing to suggest he wanted to hurt me at all, just clinch after clinch, I have taken more hot showers after that fight than in my entire high-school wrestling career and I still feel dirty & violated.
I may need some psychological counselling.

This is a W that just feels WRONG. /shiver

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LEVEL SUMMIT SERIES - KT Level Round 4 - Finals Highlights

Tokyo, Japan

FOTN - Ted Kona vs Kenji Matsuda

What a banger! Matsuda came for blood and landed absolutely punishing shots to his opponent Ted Kona, scoring two knockdowns on the night and looking like he would walk right through The Komodo. You just can’t discount the heart of a Hawaiian though, as Kona battled back to claim a stoppage win.

KOTN - Frank Brown

Frank Brown face plants a Wang. It was just as sexy as it sounds.


Macho Man finally gets a finish!

Birdwhislte ends the round on a high note and takes home his only win for the leg. He’ll no doubt be thankful he’ll have the opportunity to fight on the ground once again.

Summit Panda was running hot winning 3 straight before running up against the eventual leg champion, Robillard. 

Nunez wins 3 straight finishes after losing in the first round. Helluva a time to warm up, heading into the final leg.

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Groups organized by KT Round results  

3 x 5 minute rounds


10 pt Must scoring



1. Michel Robillard

3. Frank Brown

5. Super Macho Man

7. Ted Kona

10. Caique Lima

12. Jone White

14. Young Blood

16. Jack Brittle


2. Summit Panda

4. Hung Young Wang

6. Tinashe Chukwuma

8. Kenji Matsuda

9. Rogelio Nunez

11. Don Rockmuller

13. Jacek Suita

15. Lysander Birdwhistle

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1. Michel Robillard (TKO) vs 16. Jack Brittle

3. Frank Brown (SUB) vs 14. Young Blood

5. Super Macho Man (SUB -strikes) vs 12. Jone White

7. Ted Kona (UD) vs 10. Caique Lima


2. Summit Panda vs 15. Lysander Birdwhistle (SUB)

4. Hung Young Wang (TKO) vs 13. Jacek Suita

6. Tinashe Chukwuma (MD) vs 11. Don Rockmuller

8. Kenji Matsuda vs 9. Rogelio Nunez (TKO)

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1. Michel Robillard (UD) vs 5. Super Macho Man

3. Frank Brown (UD) vs 7. Ted Kona

16. Jack Brittle vs 12. Jone White (DQ)

14. Young Blood vs 10. Caique Lima (SUB)


6. Tinashe Chukwuma vs 15. Lysander Birdwhistle (SUB)

4. Hung Young Wang (SUB) vs 9. Rogelio Nunez

2. Summit Panda vs 11. Don Rockmuller (TKO)

8. Kenji Matsuda vs 13. Jacek Suitas (UD)

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1. Michel Robillard vs 3. Frank Brown (SUB)

12. Jone White vs 10. Caique Lima (UD)

5. Super Macho Man (KO) vs 7. Ted Kona

14. Young Blood (UD - bye) vs 16. Jack Brittle (CUT)


15. Lysander Birdwhistle vs 4. Hung Young Wang (UD)

11. Don Rockmuller vs 13. Jacek Suita (SUB)

6. Tinashe Chukwuma (SUB) vs 2. Summit Panda

9. Rogelio Nunez(UD) vs 8. Kenji Matsuda

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3. Frank Brown vs 4. Hung Young Wang

1. Michel Robillard vs 15. Lysander Birdwhistle

5. Super Macho Man vs 6. Tinashe Chukwuma

7. Ted Kona vs 2. Summit Panda

10. Caique Lima vs 13. Jacek Suita

12. Jone White vs 11. Don Rockmuller

14. Young Blood vs 9. Rogelio Nunez

16. Jack Brittle (CUT) vs 8. Kenji Matsuda

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