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Daniel "Hype Boy" Marsh (397464)

2-0-0 (2-0-0 GFC)




Impressed with the attention gained by their last feature of Daniel, independent Japanese martial arts magazine Budo+ reached out to him once more and even put the young star on their front cover. The following is an interview between Daniel and the magazine's lead sports writer.


Q: We're now only four days away from the biggest fight of your life so far, for Championship gold. What final preparations are you making and what have you focused on for this training camp?


A:  Obviously I'm not gonna spill all the secrets of my camp but we've been working on getting me into the best shape possible. So we've kept sparring to a minimum and focussed on improving what I already do best.


Q: You had some passionate things to say about your fight the last time we reached out, stating that you'd beat [this] man on the feet ands crack [his] chin in savage fashion. Was that a spur of the moment declaration, or do you actually plan on chasing the knockout?


A: The only thing I plan on chasing is my favourite idol group across the country, ahead of their 2023 autumn tour. I can't wait to see Hikaru-chan with her new hair. She suits it so well! Oh but forget about that, we're talking about the fight aren't we? Well, Genko will deliver his chin to me on a silver platter, and me, being the savage that I am, will oblige and send that man's head into the stands. If you're in attendance and manage to catch his ugly mug, I'll even sign it for ya.


Q: You sound far more confident than ever before despite your next fight being against the division's best, the Champion. He rides a four fight win streak having lost barely a round during this time. Where is this confidence of yours coming from?


A: I have the heart of a savage, and a special brain, and the best teammates I could ask for. The stuff my head coach Kitano-sensei puts me through makes fight night feel like a picnic in comparison. There's nothing Genko can do to me that I haven't already experienced in Shibuya.


Q: Final question. You mentioned before that life for you changed after being accepted onto the Savage Scholarship Program. Where do you see yourself once the program ends?


A: Champion, with one or two title defences and a beautiful idol girlfriend by my side. I will be the face of Savage Fightwear forever and always. Some of the other guys have potential but we all know who the real Hype Boy is. It's me, by the way. I'm the Hype Boy. I'm special.

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Floki Gunnarssons
Grind of today is not stopping, he's been training his ass off with the bois and he managed to even pump up his Boxing skills on even higher level, good things might await him in his bout against a Polish Powerhouse in Supko if he keeps things going in a rate like that. Hell he might even be able to surpass him in his Boxing before the bout and then if that happens it should be a cake walk for him.

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Luke Smith

Life after the WCMMA has already been good to young Luke Smith. Clearly seeing his potential after picking up everyone's favourite colour medal (Golden Bronze), he was head hunted by MMA Helsinki and offered an immediate title shot. Suffice to say he made short work of things earning a KO victory over champion Lom Ali Maskadov in just one minute and thirty-eight seconds and was only awarded fight of the night honours. 

Training progress goes well for him as he waits patiently for the next challenger (should his coward opponent actually manage to steady his shaking hand and sign the agreement that is)

Deep down however he really wants to avenge his petty losses to the filthy canuck Michele Renee Gasfart and the disturbingly simple Georgian Michael Berishvili. Both employed tactics of the pyjama wearing kind and definitely not befitting of a manly cage warrior such as Luke. Regardless, he believes he is now well prepared for their fruity antics and the results would be much different next time around.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Floki Gunnarsson
Is getting ready for his Wrestling Sparring session in over an hour with some of the great wrestlers he trains with daily like a current MMA Helsinki Champion Pekka Perkalla, a former champ and currently next challenger at HFC Hinto Kangee, a long stay at GAMMA that has recently moved on to another place Maxim Ward and former TWGC P4P King that is still recently doing a fine job at it Amir Ziyaeddin.

Young Sweed is sure of the fact that he will get taken down numerous times during those sessions, but he hopes to get better at stuffing those takedowns to not lose again by a mere mistakes of his in that department and is still sharpening his tools to get better with each day.

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Hi folks Jayilton here again, my fight with Kobra Jay didn't go my way, that training advantage was too much to overcome at the end of the day. I had him panicking when I did manage to get him to the ground but he was quick to scamble tf outta there & didn't make the same mistake again, so my gameplan didn't work out & his did, a well-trained & disciplined fighter who listens to his coaches. Back to training & maybe my next opponent won't have such a clear advantage.

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Lamar Gordon

Since the folding of MMA Helsinki, Lamar Gordon become one of the highest sought after prospects for up and coming Orgs to try and sign. After a long search Lamar's team settled on Heartless FC as the right fit to continue honing his skillset while being a top draw. Lamar's team made it well know that his desire was to test himself against the top fighters in the 205 division at Heartless. With new management in place Lamar's team was able to secure a fight with the top hyped Rasmus Karhu on November 11th in his attempt to go 9-0. If he is successful one can only assume his team will be looking for a title shot against Paul Hunter. In the meantime his focus will be on completing a solid camp to hand Rasmus Karhu the second blemish on his record and continuing to build his legacy whiling climbing the 205 and P4P rankings.

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Floki Gunnarsson
And his teammates just finished partying after yesterdays victories in title fights of MMA Helsinki Champion Pekka Perkalla that managed to dominate and dispatch his opponent throughout all 3 rounds and the New HFC 185 Champ Hinto Kangee that managed to finish his opponent also in the third.

Floki has high hopes for his next fight after such a great performances coming out of his gym partners in crucial fights and he as probably the biggest prospect of the gym has to follow in their footsteps and get another win on his record to erase his first 2 losses that blemished his record to then be able to eventually be on a positive side with his fights record.

Floki lives by the motto of his ancestors and he is yet proven to it being wrong, his fight record as well as his resilience in the fights and training room are the prime examples of it usage, because the young Sweed (of Danish-Icelandic origin) doesn't know what stopping or giving up is.

His ancestors never backed down from a fight and never surrendered so as he will bring them pride by his performances in the octagon.

"Eigi fellr tré við fyrsta högg"
"A tree does not fall with the first blow"

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  • 3 weeks later...


"Le Tigre" Olivier Dujardin

Fresh off his last fight and returning to the win column in dominant fashion, Dujardin was urged to speak to his fans.

"I feel good. Picked up a dominating victory just how I like it. A return to my roots where my wrestling and ground n pound win the day. Ruiz tried to clinch fight me, but that's an area of my game I've been working on really hard while away in Sydney."

When asked about how he ranked himself in NYF's 170 division, "Le Tigre" was adamant he should be back in title contention soon:

"I notice Babcock managed to win the title and defend it against Kakuzo. I knew that guy would soon be found out. I already have a win over Babcock, and I aim to get back in there and show that one blind and delusional judge why I am the better fighter.

I'm curious to see how he goes against the big head Carter though. Babcock has a similar game to me, and Carter somehow had suspiciously strong takedown defence in our fight. Probably that big head full of rocks that weighed too much. Either way, I'll be there to get my revenge against big head or confirm my dominance over Babcock. Hopefully NYF continues to stick around so I can smash these guys first."

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Artemis Entreri

"Keep lining 'em up, and I'll keep knocking them out!"


It's pretty easy to manage a fighter who never backs down from a challenge and has the confidence this man has.  I don't even know what to say anymore, this man is a KO king.  He told me that he was raw, but that I wouldn't regret signing him, and he's lived up to his word.  He's now won 6 in a row, all by KO/TKO.  3-0 since joining APEX and the Savage program, and he takes that title to heart.  With a steady flow of performances like this, it's evident in his body of work that he truly embraces the Savage mentality.


From a training perspective, Artemis has never had a lack of raw power and the ability to land the money shot when standing, but he's really come on of late working on his ground defense.  Before, he used to tell me a fight wouldn't make it to the ground before his opponent was sleeping, and it's hard to question that.  But after stressing to him that the competition would only keep getting stronger, he's really dug in and put in work in his ground game.  I'm very proud of the fighter he has become, and extremely excited to see how high he can go as he puts all of these skills together.

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Lamar Gordon

Lamar Gordon made his highly anticipated Heartless FC debut against #1 Rasmus Karhu at HFC 108. Lamar handed Karhu the second blemish on his record when he cracked his chin a little over two minutes into the fight in a convinced KO victory. Lamar and his team now prepare to climb to the top of the Heartless FC mountain and go 10-0 when he faces current 205# champion Paul Hunter on November 29th. If he is successful it will be interesting to see where he goes from here as this will be the last fight on his current contract. With the future of Heartless FC up in the air and and a lack of hyped contenders in the 205# division it is likely he will be one of the most sought after fighters in the MMAT Universe.  

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 Spittin' Chicklets with Bo Duran

Back at 'er again! Had another scrap in the cage over the weekend and this time faced down a farmboy with what they would call some questionable moral fibre in Sacrificial Lamb Jr, or as his nickname says "Mister Lover." Scouting report said he has a solid chin and sporting an 8-2 record without ever being knocked out he looked to be a solid test for me.

The bugger started out with the rough stuff with a high kick and a head shot that opened up an old scar I took trying to deflect a point shot from Georges "The Rocket" Levesque back in Junior. Seen blood before so I just waded back in and gashed his melon like a skate kiss. Then the hoser decided to move into the clinch! Well I've been jerseyed before so I just laid right into him until the bell with him throwing more, but not landing as much as me with the ole off balance pull as he threw mitts. Second round right off the bench knocked him down and had him seeing goal lights flashing in his eyes. He got back up and tried kicking me in the head again...big mistake! Caught him with a left and he dropped like a sack of PEI spuds.

Wonder if I am going to see that moose-knuckle again, but for now another belt defense and back to the gym with my buddies at Fight Founders! 

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Got some heavy training sessions going on right now, my manager is pushing me to do my best cus he wants me to show my potential as a Savage Scholarship fighter in my next match on the 1st December which is against a guy with a much smaller training advantage than my last opponent had.

"Thunda Punch" has some good skills, so I'm brushing up my strangling, arm-breaking & ankle-twisting especially for this match as I am hoping to turn the guy into a fucking pretzel once I get my hands on him. I just gotta watch those fists of his cus they look nasty.

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Floki Gunnarsson
Managed to show his class in his fight against Supko, but somehow despite dropping his opponent multiple times during the course of 3 rounds, he was supposedly losing on the judges screcards?
Atrocious work by the judges but thankfully Floki has managed to put Supko down in the 3rd round to secure his second finish and get back to neutral record.
The org has been closed so there are multiple options for Gunnarsson, what path will he take?
This one is up to him and his manager.

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4 hours ago, Helmans212 said:

Floki Gunnarsson
Managed to show his class in his fight against Supko, but somehow despite dropping his opponent multiple times during the course of 3 rounds, he was supposedly losing on the judges screcards?
Atrocious work by the judges but thankfully Floki has managed to put Supko down in the 3rd round to secure his second finish and get back to neutral record.
The org has been closed so there are multiple options for Gunnarsson, what path will he take?
This one is up to him and his manager.

It's because the judges looked at Supko's beautiful avatar and thought he was even prettier than Floki. He's even wearing Bondi MMA gloves! What a chad. So gracious to let Floki win!

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8 hours ago, Daudy said:

It's because the judges looked at Supko's beautiful avatar and thought he was even prettier than Floki. He's even wearing Bondi MMA gloves! What a chad. So gracious to let Floki win!

Floki Gunnarsson 
Has come out with a statement regarding that comment, and I quote:
"Nobody is prettier than me"

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  • 7 months later...

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